Sunday, October 14, 2007

i have a really hard time forgetting blogger is not livejournal and on here im supposed to say things that matter. but most of the time i dont have much to say that would matter to anyone but me.

but its been a good weekend so far. ive seen a lot of people i love and that makes me feel better than most anything else would. im still the type of person who only wants a few friends. close friends. and it seems like im hardly close to anyone and i have a million other friends that i can sit around and joke with and talk about birmingham with but thats the extent of it. the art of conversation is a great thing nonetheless.

had an intense drive home tonight. sometimes i dont know if i "get it" at all... but then other times i feel like im standing on the biggest secret in the world.

my brain is really tired tonight and i dont feel much like saying anything at all so go see across the universe and your life will automatically improve. im lying though.


Unknown said...

it still matters to me steph.

Anonymous said...

disregard the last display name...someone mustve been logged into my computer

little lilly said...

we'd be closer if we were neighbors. just come live with me. you and gaygay can share the living room.

Josh said...

I'm going to be in bham as long as I don't get refused at the border on January 4th, flying in to Birmingham Municipal Airport on a flight from Kansas City...

ps. copying to your blogger as well in hopes you actually get this message.

pps. still have nowhere to crash in Bham... ideas?

