Tuesday, January 15, 2008


well, hi. its sure been a while. i havent had much to say that i could sum up in one blog. my life is great right now. im doing wonderful. very content, to say the least. the people in my life are really interesting and awesome and spending time with them has been enough for me. theyre the kind of people i really admire because they dont waste time trying to be intelligent or cool, they just live their lives. thats the best way to do it, i say. i respect people that are intelligent and are cool and have great things to say, but even more i respect the man in the honda accord driving to his 9 to 5 every day with his cell phone and his family at home. i guess being special isnt all that important anymore. i admire a person who loves their family, who finds it in themselves to be content with where they are and what they have. i had dinner with some friends tonight and all i could think about was how good it was to be around them and laugh with them and spend time together, not talking about anything important, not doing anything worth mentioning, just hanging out, being alive. i think people are the most fantastic thing in the whole world. each singular person has the power to make a person's world livable, or to crush it. i want to ease the load for those i have the pleasure of knowing in any way that i can. i guess im not a writer or the smartest person and i guess i do a lot of things wrong but i really dont care anymore, because there are people out there who cant sleep if they dont know that im safe. as long as there is that, im doing just fine.

im never going to be perfect, im never going to look the best, or carry the best conversation, or know a lot about everything [or anything], but i am deeply uninterested in all that at this point. its just not about me being the best at anything.

anyhow, as far as the specifics, im going to jeffstate right now and majoring in english. who knows what will happen next. im not concerned. i like english and i even speak the language, i cannot fail here. still playing world of warcraft too much. im lvl 66 as of right now. should be 70 in a couple weeks which will be fun. i want to throw a huge party when i hit 70. by huge i mean me and my brother and my dog watching south park. MAJOR business taking place there. i like my brother and im glad theres someone at my house who i can hang out with whenever i want. in fact, i randomly go in his room and sit on his couch and tell him stories about what happened to me that day about 9 times an hour. he likes it. trust me. well, thats about all i got for tonight. time to eat all the food in the house and get to bed.

au revoir!


Anonymous said...

live life love people, sounds like you got this down

Anonymous said...

your a great person. im glad i know you.

Matt Benton said...

When you reach 70, we are going to Northshire Abbey to slaughter Kobolds! And we're gonna do it with several Flagons of Mead!