Wednesday, April 30, 2008

blog in the round: tarot cards

i was kind of excited to learn about tarot cards as i joined in on blog in the round this week, but now im kind of dreading it. i looked up tarot cards and readings on wikipedia, and realized, tarot cards are incredibly boring to read about, so im just going to go by what i know.

one time i got a tarot card reading from my friend who happened to have a deck. (i feel really stupid saying that, as all that abstract, arcane stuff just kind of annoys me.) i got three signs, two of which i dont remember (had quite an effect on me and my life, eh?), while the third was some symbol of death, or coming danger. to be perfectly honest, i think tarot cards cannot possibly carry a wide variety of symbolic meaning if one card alone can be so vague.

tarot cards are basically like that guy on tv who says, "okay, i'm thinking of someone with lung cancer..." to an audience, who then search their minds for someone who has died from lung cancer (just about everyone can think of at least one person), while he narrows it down to male, um - smoker, gray hair, drove a truck, whatever, and one person usually jumps up and says THAT WAS MY FATHER!!! or whatever. they think he's a genius for taking something vague and narrowing it down.

basically, a card that symbolizes danger in my life could mean anything. maybe it was talking about when i stubbed my toe on the sidewalk, or it could have been talking about a test im going to take. im going to continue to think of it as just a card with a picture on it randomly chosen from a deck my friend had in her bedroom, because frankly, it brought no clear insight in to my life, and i wont take any precautionary action because of it. yep, im walking on the sidewalk barefoot again.

if you happen to be a tarot reader, please impress me with, "you are going to die on this exact date," or i'm just not interested. and neither is the rest of the world.


Anonymous said...

Have you thought about playing real card games with tarot? The French play a card game using a type of tarot deck. The tarot cards were really created for a game similar to bridge and not fortune telling. I don't know why American publishers are always pushing the fortune telling angle of tarot instead of gaming.

Anonymous said...

I have actually been "reading" Tarot for 27 years.I have found that when people feel lost and searching for some answers,that a lot of my clients have enjoyed my readings,and at times have changed their lives.I am sorry you had a bad experience with them. They are just tools to other alternatives.

Matt Benton said...

Only you would have actual Tarot card readers leave comments on your blog - really nice ones at that. Still, I'm glad you finally wrote another blog. It has been far too long.

stephanie said...

i am incredibly ill-informed on ANYTHING barely involving tarot cards, and i hope this hasnt offended anyone! i had no clue anyone outside of the blog in the round folks even gave my blog a look. must be search engines or something.

Elizabeth said...

Stephanie, you will die on April 23 2010. be afraid.