Sunday, June 8, 2008

BITR: my favorite race

who's tired of looking at a picture of matt with sour patch kids up his nose? that'd be me.

because im not the brightest lamp on the shelf [ALTHOUGH IVE ALREADY PWNT YOU WITH MY SENSE OF HUMOR], i decided to look up some crap about the different types of races out there, eventually stumbling upon some scientific views that races dont even exist. that race is actually a social concept and doesn't expand beyond that. but that's boring. so screw it.

my favorite race would be the american race. excluding mormons. why? here is a list of legitimate reasons why we are the absolute best race:








if you disagree, clearly you are drunk.


Anonymous said...

That was just, well. Amazing.

Elizabeth said...

I agree.

But I also like Asians. Only on movies though because they make me laugh

Jeff Roberts said...

DANG that is one fine looking hotdog. It makes me want to go to Lowe's and get a hotdog from that guy out front.

Davis {the other white meat} said...

WOW i must say but i do agree with E=Beth though asians are awesome and they will take over the world, well nevermind they already have with teir playstation and nintendo Wii and their cars.