Tuesday, May 8, 2007

hear me, dont judge me

"find a friend and stay close and with a melting heart tell them whatever you're most ashamed of- our parents have made so many mistakes. may we forgive them and forgive ourselves." -from "the sun and the moon" by mewithoutyou

its important to have someone you can be totally honest with. ya know, that person you can tell your secrets to so you wont be carrying them alone anymore. i dont think i can even really understand how important that is at this point. humans werent built to be reclusive and unknown and mysterious. we were meant to share ourselves with others. even the ugly parts. the parts we, ourselves, are entirely ashamed of. things we would rather not connect our identities to.

a friend once told me that being heard without judgment is healing. i believe shes right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.