Saturday, May 19, 2007

a wayward path

so, let's get something straight. if i said i followed ozzy osbourne, that he was my hero, chances are, i would try to look and act like him. first, i would start stuttering and trying to speak but not exactly succeeding. second, i would bite the heads off of bats and birds to look intimidating and cool when really im just a very sick human being. third, i would do so many drugs that my brain turns to mush. and fourth, i would forget how to walk correctly. these are all implications of who i am following - mr. osbourne.

now i must say this is written with a specific group of people in mind, because i believe in them, and i hope this does not seem like an attack as much as it does an encouragement. so what about Jesus? what are the implications of a person following him?

what it would look like to see someone following Jesus, is seeing someone act out forgiveness, kindness, love for their enemies, inclusion, etc. there are a tremendous amount of characteristics, but it all boils down to one: love.

i just left a church that i dont believe knew quite how to love. they loved one another, but that was it. if you were not like them, basically, you weren't welcome. it's been called this a few times, but it truly is a country club. it's a very exclusive church. i went there my whole life and never felt like they cared too much for me. maybe cause i dont think like a southern baptist or i just dont see the need to wear a hundred dollar dress to church on sunday, i dont know, but i think that's entirely missing the point of Jesus. it was a fiery finish for those of us that left, and some at that church are apparently still a little touchy about it, but we went quietly, didn't run around talking to the world about it, and we've moved on. sometimes you have to cut the dead branches off to keep growing, and that church was certainly a dead branch. well, we encountered a few of the members the other night, and they were just cold to us. it was obvious they're still pretty pissed off about it all, and i truly, truly think that is just opposite of Jesus. i do. its pathetic for two groups of people bound by one truth to hold grudges against one another. if any of you are reading this, we would be entirely receptive to you if you wanted to reconcile things. we still all love you. we talk about it all the time. we still all miss you, and we've made that very clear to you. i know we were close, but that situation is over, and its time to rebuild.

"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.' But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, 'You fool!' will be liable to the hell of fire. So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." Matthew 5: 21-24

so lets do this. lets be reconciled. we dont have to hang out like we used to. we dont even have to be great friends, just stop being angry with us. we did what we believe is right, just as you think youre doing what is right. we both serve the same God and we have a call to love one another that should be much more powerful than being offended that a few people left your church for whatever reason. our love for Jesus should be much more important than our love for ourselves and our situations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"sometimes you have to cut the dead branches off to keep growing"
