Sunday, May 27, 2007

the strongest sperm

when i sit down to write, i feel like the world is in orbit around me, people walking by, phones ringing, music playing, and i am completely oblivious to every bit of it. i feel that the world is rotating with its 22.2 degree tilt and i am completely still in the midst of it all. it's a pretty great feeling, to say the least.

if you want to know the truth about you and me, it's that we are people made up of experiences, built by what we've learned, shaped by words and stories. i think i'm more astounded by humanity every day. for the fact that... every man and woman and child truly is a miracle in itself. think about the birth process. there is conception which is supposed to stem from a husband and wife that love one another, basically, sharing that love and bonding with one another. with that, the strongest of the tiniest little sperm swim for the egg and it's basically a survival of the fittest kind of game. you and i, we were the strongest sperm. i have no reason to feel weak ever because i beat 200 to 500 million other sperm in the race. nobody can say they arent a winner now. anyway, the strongest one survives, meets the egg, a baby is formed. the woman gets pregnant and her belly grows and she learns to stop sleeping on her stomach and gets sick sometimes. then, after many doctors and lots of anxious and hard nights, she has the baby.

the baby gets stared at and held a lot and doesnt understand much of anything. then the baby will learn to sort of speak and he will learn to call his parents mom and dad, then his tiny back will have grown strong enough to be able to crawl, then his legs strong enough to walk. eventually, the baby will be so good at walking, he will be able to run, run away if he chooses, run to his parents' comforting arms, run with his friends on the playground, and run in his first baseball game. he will continue to grow, his body maturing, adapting, growing stronger. he will eventually marry and start the cycle over again. nurturing a new baby, grabbing her by the hands and teaching her how to walk, and later, the man will grow old, deplete a little bit, and die. it is such a beautiful and miraculous process.

i think the quote by whitman "And your very flesh shall be a great poem" grows more incredible to me with each passing day. i think each one of us, the fact that we were the strongest sperm, should be celebrating what we are, how precious we are, and how precious one another is. maybe this is just one of those night time i've been thinking too much blogs but i don't know, it seems like an interesting element has been out of play for some time. the element of life. the beauty of the cycle. we grow, and grow, and grow, as if there will be a firework explosion when we die, as if life is building up to an incredible ending, the ultimate song, the final dance. i think the ending is really a beginning, that the song is everlasting, and the dance is not a finale. what's sad is most people don't even think about it. don't even wonder why they grow. dont even ask what they're building up to be. we're people to carry on the tradition of life. apparently life is important.

so i wish you the best in this world, that your growth will be cradled by a life of experiences, your life a brilliant song to be sung to your children and theirs, to be shouted back at life when you are gone. i hope to die my hands tired from carrying my children, my back tired from being hunched over books, my feet tired from being too proud to stop, knowing, whether im the only one who can tell it or not, it made a great story, and i was the strongest sperm.

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