Thursday, September 27, 2007

every day i learn a little something. and today i learned that a little girl in a cute dress will put me in a great mood no matter what.


Anonymous said...

sorry for always makin u talk on the phone.

little lilly said...

that game is fun. i got a little hooked and played for a couple hours with my brother one weekend when i went to my parent's house.

Anonymous said...

stephanie nooooo stop playing now while you have the chance.

Chris said...

Heya - just found this from your myspace.

So last summer I was running late at night and I remember really calling out to God. It was a real turning point in my life and God actually gave me a sign. Three signs! It was an amazing thing to call upon Him in my need and see nature itself respond. But tonight, I called upon Him for guidance... hoping and grasping at some sign. Nothing happened. There was no confirmation or show of power at all.

But then I realized that it was already there. The moon shone brightly and the lake water shimmered and the wind picked up and I caught a scent of something beautiful. My confirmation was in the fact that I was alive and aware and happy and whole and seeking something larger than myself. I realized that God had answered me in spades.

It's a great realization.